

Stubborn, short-legged wiener dogs!


By Toni Grzunov - Last updated on March 17th, 2021

All you need to know about the Dachshund

The first thing you should know about the Dachshund is how to pronounce its name correctly! It’s a German word, so the -chs is pronounced as “x”, but you may hear several English pronunciations. So ‘daks-hund’ will be the easiest way to say it properly. There you go!

Of course, you can always simply call them Doxies or Wiener dogs, both acceptable and popular alternatives. Doxies are small and spunky and were originally bred for hunting purposes. Some are still used as hunters today, but the majority are happy living their lives as human companions. 

These dogs are best known for their long bodies placed on stubby legs. They are absolutely adorable and are a popular pick for a family pet. Before committing to one of these cute puppies, learn everything you should know about Dachshund!

Fast Facts

Group - Hound

Weight -  16-32 Pounds (Standard)  11 & less Pounds (Miniature)

Height - 8-9 Inches (Standard) 5-6 Inches (Miniature)

Hair Length - Short or Long

Shedding - Moderate

Lifespan - 12-15 Years

The Appearance of the Dachshund

The first thing people notice when they see one of these loveable critters is its long body and short legs. That is the reason why many refer to the Dachshund as the “wiener dog”. While they may look somewhat funny, it is hard to deny how gorgeous they are at the same time.

Their long bodies are muscular, and their gorgeous, lengthy tail stands in contrast to the short legs. The Dachshund face is sleek and elongated. It has expressive and intelligent eyes that can be dark, light brown, green, amber, or blue. Some even have eyes of a different color!

Weiner dogs have a deep chest. Their build is fairly athletic. They come in three sizes, Standard, Miniature, and a third, the teacup size called “rabbit”. This is directly translated from the German word “kaninchen”.

The “rabbit” size is not recognized by any dog clubs in the United States or the United Kingdom. It is however included within the World Canine Federation. 

The skin of a Dachshund is elastic, and you won’t see any excessive wrinkling on it. Their bodies are robust and powerful. Despite the short legs, these dogs will never appear crippled or awkward when moving. 

Doxies will carry themselves around with confidence. Their head is placed high, and their facial expression is always intelligent and alert!

The Dachshund has a gorgeous coat that can be smooth (short-haired), long or wirehaired. Longhaired Dachshunds have short featherings on their legs and ears. Their coat is also incredibly silky!

Wirehaired Dachshunds are most common in Germany and can rarely be seen in the United States. They are the most recent coat type that appeared. They always have prominent eyebrows and beards, making them look extra cute!

The characteristic look of these dogs is well-known to most. Still, we should mention the colors they come in as well.

What colors does a Dachshund come in?

Despite having three different coat types, all of them share the same color patterns. According to the breed standard, there are several colors or color combinations that are most popular. These include:

  • Red
  • Black
  • Tan
  • Cream
  • Blue
  • Chocolate

Some Dachshunds are tan pointed, meaning they have cream markings over their paws, eyes, ears, and tail. Red colors can range from coppers all the way to deep rusts, and you will notice an occasional patch of black hair around the face. These give them some extra character making Doxies look extra cute!

There are also color combinations, some of which are accepted by the breed standard. These include:

  • Sable
  • Brindle
  • Piebald
  • Double dapple

Now you are an expert on the Dachshund looks. But what about the personality?

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All about the Dachshund personality

These cute dogs are known for their high intelligence, as well as their stubbornness! They are playful, and their attention can easily be drawn to something more interesting than you! While this won’t be a huge deal, they will sometimes stubbornly focus on something else.

Dachshunds are also extremely affectionate and devoted. They will become loyal companions to you, but you will need to be a bit stricter to control them. These dogs are confident and proud and can take over the reins if you don’t know how to deal with them. 

These pups are a good example of what some refer to as the “small dog syndrome”. This means that they can easily become little terrors who will run all over the house and boss you around. This is why you should always make it clear that you are the leader.

They don’t trust strangers and can start barking if they feel threatened by them. This makes Dachshunds well suited to be guard dogs. Their bark is actually quite loud, and a Doxie will require some training to learn when to stop.

Early socialization will help with this. Expose your pet to different people and animals while still a puppy, so it gets used.

Dachshunds can be extremely playful and can demand your attention for the entire day. They also love digging and burrowing. You will often see your puppy digging holes around the house or even trying to burrow your blankets into the bed.

These dogs require firm, consistent, and gentle discipline constantly. Once you have established that, you can expect your Dachshund to become a wonderful and loving part of your family.

Is a Dachshund easy to train?

Since we already talked about their stubbornness, you probably guessed that Dachshunds are not that easy to train. Don’t worry, it is definitely not impossible.

These dogs have a clever nature that is oftentimes quite obstinate. It is recommended that you take your pet dog to an obedience course. Not only will it learn how to behave there, but you will also gain the knowledge you need to be able to act as a pack leader.

Since these dogs love to give and receive affection, only use positive training methods with them. Reward-based training will work the best, and after a while, you can expect not to have any issues with your Dachshund.

You should never lose your patience. Also, try to be consistent with your training. That way you will achieve the best results. 

Dachshunds have an amazing sense of smell and a well-developed prey drive. They were always bred to remain focused when following a trail. If they notice something more interesting, they might stop paying attention to you.

Patience is key, but we believe that you won’t have a problem with this once you fall in love with your pet Dachshund.

Well, it seems these puppies can be quite a hassle to handle! Hopefully, grooming is simpler!

The Living Environment of the Dachshund

When it comes to the living environment of your Dachshund, there are several things you should watch out for. 

First of all, some consider them bad pets for people with small children. We don’t necessarily agree with this, although it can be true. What is important is that you start introducing your pet to your children at an early age.

Teach your child to be gentle and patient with the dog and it will turn out okay. Naturally, if you don’t think this can be achieved, it is best to look for a different dog breed as your pet.

As far as living indoors goes, you should adjust some things. These dogs are small which makes them excellent for apartments, but it can also be dangerous for them! They may need some specific accommodations to be able to get around your house.

These include extra steps or a ramp to allow them to get up to the furniture. You really want your Dachshund to not jump too much. Jumping can injure its hips and back, which is obviously something you need to avoid.

Other than that, they will enjoy life inside the house or in your front yard without a problem. Just make sure they are not cold!

Well, living with a Dachshund does require some adjustments, but nothing too bad, really. What about the health of these pups?

The Health and Nutrition of the Dachshund

Most notably, Dachshunds are prone to spine problems since they have such long backs. You should prevent your Dachshund from becoming overweight because this can put extra strain on its spine.

Intervertebral Disc Disease can become an issue if you’re not careful. It can occur due to genetics, or your dog simply jumping off furniture too much. You will notice symptoms such as paralysis or the inability to raise up on its rear legs. 

This condition can be treated by crate confinement with specific medications or even surgery. Some dogs might require a doggy wheelchair. It is important that you support the full length of a Dachshund’s body when you lift it up.

When it comes to nutrition, you should always consult with your veterinarian to help you with the correct amount. The type and amount of food you give your Dachshund will largely depend on its size and age. It is best to divide its food into two meals daily. That way you can avoid your dog becoming overweight.

Where does the Dachshund come from?

Dachshund” is a German word that translates to “badger dog”. This breed’s history dates back some 600 years. They were originally developed to dig inside a badger’s den and dispatch it!

Their long bodies were made explicitly for this task. Badgers can be quite dangerous foes with their sharp teeth and claws, so Dachshunds needed to be strong and courageous. They were bred to be equipped for combat against these deadly animals.

The breed became standardized during the 1800s according to size, coat, and different colors. The Dachshund is the national symbol of Germany, and they are closely associated with the country. As if that wasn’t already clear from the name! 

Dachshund Mixes you would like to know about*

Dog crossbreeds or mixes are sometimes called designer dogs. The name fits since you are “designing” a new dog by mating two purebred dogs. It has become popular in recent times, and more and more breeds have several noteworthy crosses we could write about.

The thing with mixed puppies is that it is hard to know which characteristics they will inherit from their parents. You should research as much info as possible on the parent breeds to understand what you can expect. This way, you will find a mix that has all of the characteristics you want and love.

Read on to see the most popular Dachshund mixes:

*Not all breed mixes are equal in quality! neither condones nor endorses any example of unethical and unhealthy crossbreeding. We encourage everyone to research in detail before they choose to get a crossbreed.

Questions people often ask about Dachshunds

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  • +Can Dachshunds be left alone?

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