

This Designer Dog Has Been a Hit With Many Stars and Celebrities

Puggle - Fun-Loving, Cute, and Super Friendly

By Barry Gray - Last updated on March 20th, 2021

Everything You Need to Know About a Puggle

The Puggle is a Pug & Beagle mixed dog breed, and if you have never seen one before, then you are in for a treat. 

The truth is this dog brings together two impressive individual breeds, and the result is a super-friendly Puggle that will quickly become an integral part of your family.

But then, designer dog breeds mean a blend of so many aspects of the individual breeds. Being fully aware of what to expect in advance makes sense, so read on to learn everything you need to know about a Puggle.

Fun Facts

Group - Designer dog

Weight - 15-30 Pounds

Height - 8-15 Inches

Hair Length - Short

Shedding - High

Lifespan - 12-14 Years

The Puggle Appearance

With a blend of traits from both the Pug and Beagle, the Puggle has a characteristic appearance. The first thing that strikes you is the facial wrinkles of the Pug. This similarity can also extend to their muzzle. 

Here, their nose is longer than a Pug, but not as long as the Beagle, it means they have fewer breathing problems. In saying that, Puggle snoring is still an issue even though it can have an absolute cuteness about it.

Their face will also tend to droop around both the eyes and muzzle. Their eyes are dark and show their inquisitive nature. If you only looked at the face, then you would know which features came from which breed when differentiating between Pug vs Puggle. Aside from that, the mix is more of a blend.

You may also wish to know that a Teacup Puggle, also known as a Pocket Puggle, exists where a Rat Terrier has been bred with a Puggle. They look almost identical to their big brother, but at a fraction of the size.

The body of the Puggle is typically short and stocky. Their legs are relatively long compared to the rest of their body. Their tail will curl upward while the fur on their tail is longer than you find on their body. 

The head shape is also a blend between the two breeds more than leaning toward one breed over the other. Their ears are floppy and tend to be kept down low against their head. Don’t mistake that for the meaning they aren’t paying attention. These little guys are always aware of what’s going on.

These dogs are super cute and were partly bred due to what they would look like. But when you blend these two mixes, what does it mean for their color?

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Color Options with Your Puggle

Here’s the cool thing about your Puggle, thanks to the crossbreeding, there are some color variations that you would not usually see on each breed. In saying that, it’s still relatively limited compared to other breeds.

The most common color combinations you will see with a Puggle include:

  • White Puggle
  • Fawn Puggle
  • Tri-Colored Puggle
  • Black Puggle

Once again, as the AKC does not recognize this breed, there are no issues surrounding color options and showing the dog. 

It can often be the case that your Puggle will have a white belly with a fawn back. Their face will always be darker compared to the rest of their body.

The Typical Temperament of the Puggle

Considering you have two different dogs blended here, it’s interesting to see how each breed influences the other’s temperament. In the case of the Puggle temperament, there’s a good chance your dog will be quite outgoing and very friendly.

The breed is also highly intelligent. Their calm nature also makes them perfect for families with young children, and they will also get on well with other animals. If you are new to owning dogs, then a Puggle can be the ideal companion.

You can also expect your dog to want cuddles regularly. They love nothing more than showing their affection to their family and will snuggle down with you whenever they can. Also, an adult dog will still run around thinking they are a puppy while putting a smile on your face.

Typically, this Pug Beagle mix will tend to sniff things out thanks to the Beagle input. This also provides their more inquisitive nature while their more fun-loving aspect is courtesy of the Pug.

One more potential problem is separation anxiety, so don’t leave them alone for any period of time. 

They can also be stubborn at times, and they can start to howl if this behavior is not trained out of them immediately. Regular barking is another common complaint, but that can also be related to a training issue.

Of course, any temperament issues can be dealt with in the early part of their life via training. So, how easy are they to train?

Training a Puggle

This Beagle Pug mix is viewed as an intelligent crossbreed, which means they are looked upon as relatively easy to train. However, they are not a breed where they have an overwhelming desire to please, so keep that in mind.

The only problem with training is if your dog has developed a strong stubborn streak from their parents. If this happens, it requires more patience on your part and an acceptance that they will stop trying to do something if they are bored.

The key to training a Puggle puppy is to be consistent and firm in your commands. Keep training sessions short and use positive reinforcement as this is a breed that works well with being bribed to do something. 

A Puggle puppy also requires socialization at an early age. The key here is it helps reduce the chances of your Puggle dog growing up shy or timid as an adult. Introduce them to as many new places, people, and dogs as possible. They do tend to behave well in these situations.

Training can make everything else so much easier when it comes to caring about your dog. One area is grooming, but what should you know about how to care for them?

How to Correctly Groom Your Puggle

Considering your Puggle has short hair, don’t assume that this means grooming is at a minimum.

You still need to brush them at least once a week. The only problem is that Puggle shedding is a real issue and is constant. As such, we do recommend grooming more often when you notice they are going through a shedding process.

It’s important to know that there are two layers to their coat. The outer layer is short and composed of fine fur. The inner coat is completely different. It is more like wool, and the two of them combined mean the Puggle has the perfect protection against the cold. 

Unfortunately, all this fur and shedding does mean the Puggle is not hypoallergenic. Both parents are known high shedders, so it made sense their offspring would follow. With the way in which they shed, this breed does not require their coat to be trimmed.

You don’t have to bathe them frequently. But keep a close eye on their wrinkles, and make sure they are kept dry and clean. Not doing so can lead to skin issues developing, and these can often be difficult to treat thanks to their location.

Brush their teeth regularly while also checking their eyes and ears once a week for any problems. You should also pay close attention to their ears. Keep them clean and dry due to the risk of ear infections.

As you can see, grooming also helps their health. But then, people worry crossbreeds could develop various other health conditions, so what should you be looking out for?

The General Health of a Puggle

As with any breed, there are several potential health issues we believe any owner should be aware of. However, a good breeder will not only scan for potential health problems before you take ownership but also advise you accordingly.

The critical health issues to be aware of with a Puggle include:

  • Progressive Retinal Atrophy
  • Hip Dysplasia
  • Cherry Eye
  • Various Allergies
  • Epilepsy

This is a shortlist, but it’s because of the Beagle aspect that breathing issues are not included. However, the fact their breathing is easier does make a difference with the life expectancy of a Puggle.

From an exercise point of view, this breed does not require a huge amount, so 30 minutes a day will be enough. When on a walk, be aware that they do get thirsty, so some water supply is advisable. 

Their low energy levels can also mean playing with them indoors can count toward their exercise requirements. This makes it possible for them to be kept in an apartment but just remember their tendency to bark and howl.

The Typical Approach to Nutrition

For an adult Puggle, you are looking at two meals per day, and the breed does always do better when you are providing them with high-quality kibble food

The problem is a Puggle would have eaten as their favorite hobby. Pay close attention to how much you feed them, or they will keep ongoing. Considering they can often have hip problems, feeding them the correct food to avoid weight gain is also important.

The History of the Puggle

The first Puggle was bred in the 1980s. Later registered with the American Canine Hybrid Club, this designer dog breed became popular around the late 1990s. They are an example of how people would try crossing various breeds to see what the end result would be like.

Of course, as they are not a pure breed of dog, the AKC doesn't recognize them. However, that has not hampered their popularity. They are one of the most desirable crossbreeds in the United States today, and their popularity shows no sign of slowing.

Questions people often ask about Puggle

  • +Do Puggles Bark a Lot?

  • +Are Puggles Aggressive?

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