

Intelligent, Agile and Amusing Antics

Balinese Cat Breed

Lori Marsh - Last Updated on November 9th, 2022

What you Need to Know about the Balinese

Despite their name originating from Bali, these cats are not actually from the Indonesian area. The Balinese began coming to the US and UK from Thailand. Their namesake comes from the grace of Balinese dancers.

The beautiful Balinese cat might look like a Siamese because the two breeds are close. The biggest difference is their coat length. These cats are very adaptable and affectionate. Balinese cats and kittens do well with children and other animals and overall are a friendly breed.

Balinese are agile and lively cats. They come in many different colors. Balinese cats are lean and angular in shape. Their coats are medium length.

Balinese Cat

Appearance Matters. What does a Balinese cat look like?

The Balinese is a medium-sized cat with a long tube-shaped body. They are tight cats with long tapering lines. On average they weigh between 5 and 10 pounds.

These cats have wedge-shaped heads and large ears. Most have blue eyes, even well into adulthood, and are almond-shaped. The Balinese cats have a long straight nose with no break or stop. They have five toes on their front paws and four on their rear paws. The paws are small, delicate, and oval-shaped.

A medium-length single coat covers their body. The lack of a plush undercoat gives this cat a sleek look. Balinese Javanese and Balinese are both similar in many ways. The Balinese normally refers to the colors that mimic the Siamese cat points. Other colors fall under the Javanese label. Outside of the coloring, the two breeds are the same.

Some cat associations only accept the traditional point colors:

  • Seal
  • Blue
  • Chocolate
  • Lilac

The rest of the color variations fall under the Javanese: red point, cream point, tortoiseshell, lynx points of all colors.

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It's all Personal. The Balinese Personality

Balinese cats are similar to a short-haired Siamese not just in looks, but in their temperament as well. These cats tend to be social and playful. They always seem to be interested in whatever is going on around them. They do tend to be vocal similar to the Siamese but perhaps not quite as loud. Some even go as far as stating they have the highest intelligence of the longer-haired breeds of cat.

The intelligent Balinese are habitual cats. Once they learn the routine of the house they will fall right into place. Even with all that energy, they are not known to be a destructive cat due to this logical thinking pattern.

You can catch them being vocal from time to time but they are not as loud as their Siamese relative. Balinese cats have been known to have conversations with their owners. So you might catch them roaming the house talking to themselves.

Are Balinese cats aggressive?

While they are playful and vocal, Balinese cats are not known to be aggressive. If you do run across one, it's a rarity of the breed.

Even when it comes to children and other animals the Balinese would rather play than fight.

Animals cannot speak to you as humans can. So if you find your cat showing signs of aggression or frustration start to pay attention to any new patterns. Odds are that your cat is attacking your feet when they notice you are getting ready to leave for work.

Caring for your Balinese cat

The Balinese coat is fine and silky with no dense undercoat. While they do shed seasonally, the lack of undercoat means they will shed less than some other breeds. Regular brushing is about all this breed requires and will rarely need a bath. Brush them once or twice a week to get all the dead hair out. That will also save you the headache of hairballs.

While these cats are not prone to eye discharge, as with other light-eyed cats it seems to happen more often. If you notice discharge or buildup just wipe it away with a soft damp cloth or tissue. There are products on the market but unlike flat-faced cats, it's not as much of a problem.

Balinese are like most cats and like their litter box to be kept clean. Otherwise, they may find other places to relieve themselves. It is a good idea to keep these friendly cats indoors. Doing so not only keeps them clean and healthy but keeps them safe from unsavory neighbors who might believe your cat to be a stray.

Are Balinese cats really hypoallergenic?

The Balinese is a long hair cat, but they are considered to be the least shedding of their group. They are not considered hypoallergenic but their coats do produce less Fel d1, a protein that causes allergies.

The Health and Happiness of your Balinese

Overall this breed is generally healthy with only a few things to keep watch for. The Balinese only has one prominent physical defect. That being the trait of crossed eyes. This often leads to poor depth perception. There is corrective surgery, so if you notice your Balinese missing their jumps, be sure to make an appointment.

Other common things that appear in the Balinese breed are Lymphoma, Bronchial Disease, and Asthma. While these cats are prone to having these breathing problems there are some things you can do as an owner to help. Keep their litter box clean and be sure to get dust-free litter.

Amyloidosis is another issue that is common in Balinese. This occurs when a specific protein is deposited outside of the cells and can cause organ dysfunction. It doesn't appear often in individuals but if you notice your cat not eating as much, or drinking more than normal. Take them in for a quick checkup. It never hurts to be safe.

Be prepared to take care of your Balinese for a long time. Their average lifespan is between 18 and 22 years for a healthy cat.

Feline History. Where does the Balinese come from?

The long-haired Balinese originated with their Siamese ancestors in Thailand. The name itself was given to these cats because their grace and elegance seemed to mirror that of the Bali temple dancers.

The first records of the Bali cat date back to the 1900s. Although serious efforts to develop the long-haired version as a separate breed didn't start until the 1950s.

In the 1960s Sylvia Holland refined the breed by only accepting the classic points. The siamese points in chocolate, seal, lilac, and blue. The other color variations are what made up the secondary classification. Those other colors were dubbed as the Javanese.

The Cat Fanciers Federation gave the Balinese its official recognition with championship status in 1961 and these cats have been in our hearts ever since.

Questions people often ask about Balinese kittens

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