

The Sproodle, also known as the Springerdoodle, is a hybrid of a Poodle and an English Springer Spaniel, with its origins in the United States. Generally loyal and gentle, these dogs display the characteristics of the parent breeds both physically and temperamentally to varying degrees, although because they are hybrids, they generally display positive rather than negative characteristics of both breeds.


Today's Springerdoodle puppies are the result of crossbreeding either Miniature or Standard Poodles with English Springer Spaniels. However, the original breeder is not known. From all indications, it is believed this hybrid originated in the United States.


The Sproodle can have a coat of just about any color, including tricolor; brown and white; liver and white; black and white; solid Poodle colors of apricot, black, gold, white, or cream; or chocolate and white. Your pet can resemble a smaller Goldendoodle (a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle), depending on how much "Poodle" makes it into the hybrid mix.

In adulthood, most Springerdoodles stand 20 to 24 inches at the shoulder and weigh between 30 and 45 pounds. The coat generally does not shed, is hypoallergenic, and has a soft texture with a wavy appearance.


A Sproodle's temperament is remarkably mellow, undemanding, sweet and extremely intelligent. Your pet will have an affinity for water and the out-of-doors. Naturally athletic, the Springerdoodle craves exercise and lots of mental and physical stimulation.

About the parent breeds

· Poodle

With its probable origins in Germany, the Poodle was known as the Pudelhund; "pudel" loosely translates to the English word "puddle," which comes from the German verb "to splash about," and "hund" is the German translation for "dog." Interestingly, it's commonly thought to be a French breed rather than a German one because it was standardized in France and was used as a water retriever there. It was also the principal pet dog in the late 18th century for the people of Spain, and French royalty kept Toy Poodles as favorites during Louis XIV's reign.

Although the Poodle is often seen as a "fussy" pampered dog, in fact, it is an athletic, intelligent working breed. It is excellent as a retriever gun dog, and hunters still use Poodles in this role. It's also a superior swimmer and loves the water. It has played an extensive role in the military since the 17th century, and was exceedingly popular in this function during World War II.

Solid and squarely built, the Poodle does not shed and is an outstanding hypoallergenic breed. It can be prone to health problems such as Addison's disease, bloat (especially in Standard Poodle sizes), hyper- or hypothyroidism, cancer, and epilepsy.

· English Springer Spaniel

As with the Poodle, the English Springer Spaniel is used as a hunting dog to flush and retrieve game, and is both affectionate and excitable. Today's English Springer Spaniel breed has two different lines, the show line and the working line. Related to the English Cocker Spaniel and Welsh Springer Spaniel, Cocker Spaniels and Springer Spaniels were both born in the same litters originally, with the smaller Cocker Spaniel used to hunt Woodcock, and the Springer Spaniel used to flush game birds into the air so that they could be taken by a falcon or hawk.

The English Springer Spaniel was recognized as its own breed by the English Club in 1902, and the American Kennel Club followed suit in 1910. The American Kennel Club's standard was established in 1927 and revised in 1932. Its purpose was to showcase and ultimately foster the Springer's ability as a hunter. Elegant and economical in movement, Springers remain brilliant show dogs and family pets. In 1924, the English Springer Spaniel Field Trial Association was established, ultimately becoming the breed's parent club.

Cheerful, energetic and playful, the English Springer Spaniel is a compact dog, longer than it is tall, with a kindly, trusting, alert expression. Equal parts lapdog and athlete, it makes a superb family companion, although it does need a lot of exercise. If not exercised enough, it can become overly restless and rambunctious and cause problems simply because it is bored. It can be prone to elbow dysplasia and coronary heart disease. The English Springer Spaniel is NOT a low-maintenance pet in regard to grooming, although the Sproodle most definitely is.

What does the Sproodle inherit from each of these breeds?

The Sproodle can inherit any or all of the personality and physical characteristics of the Poodle, although because it is a hybrid breed will generally not be as susceptible to the breed-specific problems listed above. For example, the Poodle's life expectancy is 11 to 12 years for standard Poodles and 14 to over 20 years from miniature and toy Poodles, while the English Springer Spaniel has a life expectancy of 10 to 14 years. The Sproodle falls somewhere in between, with a life expectancy of 11 to 13 years. Although the Sproodle can inherit the health problems of either breed and/or the less desirable temperamental and physical characteristics of either breed, it is generally less likely to do either, since it is a hybrid. Therefore, the Sproodle is usually hardier both physically and temperamentally than either breed, with a gentle, relaxed personality and affable, eager disposition. It rarely barks and is also easy to groom, making it the ideal pet for you and your family.

Proper Environment

The Sproodle is a delightful family dog that gets along well with children and pets. Easy-going, nontemperamental, and very affectionate, your pet will fit in wherever you want to put him or her – although as with either parent breed, this is not a pet to be left alone. Both physically capable and emotionally sensitive, your pet needs a lot of exercise and attention.


Although the Sproodle can inherit health problems from either parent breed, in general, this is a very hardy breed with no known health problems and a life expectancy of 10 to 14 years.


The Sproodle sheds very little or not at all. The hair is soft and wavy rather than curly like the Poodle's hair, but as with the Poodle, professional grooming is necessary. A regular schedule of bathing and trimming should be done every few months, with regular trims done weekly at home under the tail and as needed around the paws and in between the pads. Trim as well around the eyes, to prevent corneal scratches and to make sure your pet's vision is not impaired. Brush daily with a slicker brush to prevent tangles, especially paying attention to behind the ears, inside the legs, and under the tail. Hair mats can be a problem, so clip these out if you find them and they can't be brushed out easily. Bathe roughly twice a month, using a mild shampoo conditioner that also includes neem oil in its ingredients, which can help deter fleas, ticks, intestinal parasites and mange mites. This contributes to a strong immune system, healthy skin, and a thick, ample coat – all indications of a magnificently healthy dog.

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