
Miniature Goldendoodle

Highly Intelligent and Affectionate Small Dogs

Miniature Goldendoodle

Toni Grzunov - Last updated on June 8th, 2021

All you need to know about the Miniature Goldendoodle

The Goldendoodle is a cross between the Poodle and the Golden Retriever. Different-sized Goldendoodles can result, depending on the size of the poodle bred with the Golden Retriever.

These pups are playful, gentle, and absolutely adore human attention and interaction. Their gorgeous coats are allergen-friendly and look breathtakingly beautiful.

Standard-sized Goldendoodles were the first Goldendoodles to be bred because it was the Standard Poodle that was first mated with the Golden Retriever.

Nowadays we have multiple other sizes of the Goldendoodle available. You can choose from the Medium, Miniature, Toy, and Petite Goldendoodle. Here we will be focusing solely on the Miniature version.

Miniature Goldendoodles make great pets for people living in apartments as they require daily short walks and can spend the rest of the day inside. They make wonderful pets for families with small children.

Fast Facts

Group - Designer (non-official)

Weight - 15-30 Pounds (male) 15-25 Pounds (female)

Height - Under 18 Inches (male) Under 18 Inches (female)

Hair Length - Medium

Shedding - Lite

Lifespan - 12-15 Years

The Appearance of the Miniature Goldendoodle…

The Miniature Goldendoodle is proportional in size and looks exactly like the Standard Goldendoodle except that it's much smaller. 

Standard-sized Goldendoodles can weigh anywhere between 45 to 100 pounds, sometimes even higher than that. On the other hand, the smaller ones will weigh significantly less, depending on the size of their parents, and will make wonderful lap dogs that are fit for smaller apartments.

When it comes to the structure of its face and body, it can go both ways. This mixed breed can either resemble the Poodle or the Golden Retriever. Oftentimes it will have the combined characteristics of both.

The hair on a Goldendoodle often appears as loose waves or a relaxed curl and can have a somewhat shaggy appearance. Goldendoodles can sometimes have the tighter curl and more wiry hair of the poodle, as well.

While the size of the grown dog can vary significantly depending on genetic predominance in your puppy, a guide to final adult dog size follows. Since all Poodles have the “standard” genetic information within their background, dog height can also vary greatly.

Standard: Can weigh between 45 pounds to 75 pounds or even up to 100 pounds or more.

Medium: Can weigh between 30 pounds to 45 pounds.

Miniature: Can weigh between 15 pounds to 30 pounds.

Toy, Micro Mini, or Petite: Can weigh between 10 pounds and 25 pounds.

We usually also divide Goldendoodles into different types, called the generations. These generations will let you know which dogs were used in the crossing to make that specific Goldendoodle.

• First generation (F1)

Most Goldendoodles in existence today came about as a result of the pairing between a Standard Poodle, Miniature Poodle, or Toy Poodle, as well as a Medium Poodle variety, (which is a size between Standard and Miniature) and a Golden Retriever. 

The first generation, or the F1, usually features some of the toughest and most resilient Goldendoodles. They retained the vigor of both parent breeds and will typically avoid most health issues that can occur in purebred dogs.

Although these dogs were specifically bred to capture the best traits of the Golden Retriever and the Poodle while minimizing shedding, these first-generation Goldendoodles sometimes still have minor shedding problems. 

Therefore, although they make great family pets because of their personalities, they are not always suitable for people or families with severe allergy problems.

• Backcross (F1b)

These Goldendoodles are produced by mixing a first-generation Miniature Goldendoodle with a Miniature Poodle. This breeding technique is called a backcross.

A dog of this breeding is likely to shed not at all, meaning that it's a great pet even for those with severe allergies. 

While the first-generation Goldendoodle is a dog that sometimes retains minor shedding problems, the backcross may completely eliminate shedding problems altogether.

• Second generation (F2)

Some breeders are now attempting to mate Goldendoodles with Goldendoodles, for a standalone "breed" of the Goldendoodle.

However, this type of breeding is usually not recommended because it carries a high chance of the resulting puppies having a coat that sheds heavily. To be more precise, there is a 25% chance that the Retriever genes will unite and the Goldendoodle puppy will shed as much as a purebred Retriever.

Second-generation Goldendoodles are generally not recommended to people with allergies.

• Second generation backcross (F2b)

These pups are a result of the crossing between an F1 Goldendoodle and an F1b. It is much easier to predict the coat traits in this type of crossbreed because of the F1 pup used. However, the F1b dog can make it more unpredictable, so it is important to know the background of both dogs.

These dogs can range anywhere from non-shedding to heavy-shedding and it all depends on the F1b parent.

• F3 and Multigenerational

Breeders produce F3 Goldendoodles by breeding and F1b together with an F2b, or by combining two F1bs or even two F2bs. These dogs are known as multigenerational.

In this stage, it is easier for breeders to emphasize whichever trait they want from each of the two breeds. It is completely possible to reduce shedding completely by using careful breeding and genetic testing.

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What colors does a Miniature Goldendoodle come in?

The different coat types of the Goldendoodle can also come in basically any color. Some of the most common ones include:

  • Gold
  • Cream
  • Red
  • Apricot
  • White
  • Brown
  • Black
  • Gray

You will also commonly see particolored Goldendoodles that have dark markings on their lighter coats. Occasionally they will also have the unique “Golden Retriever bump” on the top of their heads, a leftover of their Golden Retriever heritage.

All about the Miniature Goldendoodle personality

These dogs generally bring the best of both breeds to the table, in that they are exceedingly friendly and intelligent. They absolutely must have human companionship and also get along well with other dogs. 

Some exhibit the Poodle’s tendency to be both “high strung” and extremely intelligent which can lead to misbehavior if they're not given boundaries or proper training.

As with the Poodle, Miniature Goldendoodles absolutely need gentle but persistent owner leadership if they are to be well-behaved. They're so intelligent that they can actually perceive whether an owner is in control. 

If they can dominate their owners, they will try to, but this does not really result in a happy dog. Miniature Goldendoodles are happiest when their owners are calmly assertive so that their only concern is to simply please their master.

In an environment with proper training and clear boundaries, the Goldendoodle is a gentle, docile, very intelligent, and eager-to-please dog that wants nothing more than to be with its humans, giving and receiving affection and attention. 

As they are quite affectionate, Goldendoodles absolutely love socializing and will basically enjoy anyone’s company. This includes other animals like cats. They will never chase them and will be bashful and relaxed around them most of the time.

Due to their high intelligence, these pups are often employed as service dogs that help the disabled. They can perform smaller tasks like opening doors, fetching things, and other similar assignments.

Is a Miniature Goldendoodle easy to train?

Seeing as how their temperament is basically their most desirable trait, it is a given that these pups are also easy to train. 

Goldendoodles are quite playful but will be obedient when using the correct training methods. Positive reinforcement will work really well, and you might be able to teach your pup some neat tricks as well.

As soon as a Goldendoodle hits 8 weeks of age it is ready to start its training.

These pups are quite sensitive to the emotions of their owners so always try to keep the training atmosphere as positive as possible. Don’t raise your voice or use criticism, remain calm at all times, and use rewards whenever your pet does something good.

House training might take some time and is usually a slower process. If necessary, resort to crate training and you shouldn’t have any issues.

How much Grooming does a Miniature Goldendoodle need?

Your Miniature Goldendoodle requires minimal grooming at most. Brushing is required on a daily basis to keep the coat tangle-free and to remove any loose hairs if you’re particular 

Goldendoodle is a minimal shedder, depending on whether it is a first-generation or a non-shedding backcross hybrid. These dogs also need to be trimmed on a regular basis.

Seeing as how they are basically a non-shedding breed, these pups are considered hypoallergenic. If you suffer from allergies you will be safe with this breed.

Other than that you just need to follow the standard grooming routine. Check the nails and teeth regularly. Get your pet used to washing the teeth and nail trimming at an early age and you won’t have any troubles with it later on.

The Living Environment of the Miniature Goldendoodle

The Miniature Goldendoodle craves stimulation, challenge, activity, and fun. It loves to be doing something, so running around and playing with small children is a perfect solution, as is being occupied with serving a function. 

However, any size Goldendoodle should not be left alone. Although it can accept other canine companions, what it really wants is human attention and affection. If you travel a lot and thought having two Goldendoodles would keep both satisfied while you were away, you will, unfortunately, find that they're likely to get into much more mischief than you'll find pleasant!

That said, if you do get more than one Miniature Goldendoodle (or you simply have a multiple-dog household), your small Goldendoodle will very much enjoy other canine company. You just have to make sure that you are around to provide plenty of attention and affection, too, as well as the necessary guidance and discipline

The Miniature Goldendoodle actually adapts quite well to an apartment setting and doesn't need a lot of space to run and play outside. As long as you provide enough activity through daily walks and a lot of interaction, small-sized Goldendoodles don't need a lot of room for exercise.

Simply, Goldendoodles don't function well when you leave them alone. If you're not going to be around your pet a lot and you intend to leave it home alone while you go to work, for example, it's best to get another breed that can better tolerate solitary living. All Goldendoodles absolutely crave companionship and activity, especially with their favorite humans.

This gentle, affectionate and very intelligent dog needs you. If you decide to welcome a Miniature Goldendoodle into your family, make sure you can give it the time and attention it deserves – and the dog will return that love to you many times over!

The Health of the Miniature Goldendoodle

Although Goldendoodles were bred to be vigorous and avoid health issues, certain conditions can occur.

  • For starters, there are standard elbow and hip dysplasia concerns. 
  • These pups can also develop primary lens luxation, an eye disorder. This is a genetic disease that is quite hard to discover. Pups can get this condition when they are between the ages of 3 to 6, so you should check the disease history of the parents of the pup you want to adopt.
  • One breed-specific illness is Shar-Pei fever, also known as Shar-Pei autoinflammatory disease, or SPAID. The dog suffering from it can experience harsh fevers periodically and suffer from swollen joints. Other symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, and shallow breathing.

Where does the Miniature Goldendoodle come from?

Although it's not quite known when the first deliberate mating between a Poodle and a Golden Retriever occurred, the name came about as a result of someone's family pet. “Sugar” was the first dog to be called a Goldendoodle, courtesy of her family, the Neelands, in 1992. 

The popularity of the Labradoodle was probably the reason for the inception of this breed, as those dogs were commonly used as helpers at the time. However Labradoodles were a bit on the larger side, and smaller dogs were rising in popularity.

As is usually the case with Doodle mixes, breeders aimed to create a low-shedding breed that would be as close to hypoallergenic as possible. This remains one of the main appeals of the Goldendoodle.

In time, breeders started using Poodles of different sizes so we got Goldendoodles that could fit a large variety of lifestyles. 

Questions people often ask about Miniature Goldendoodle

  • +How big do Miniature Goldendoodles get?

  • +How much exercise does a Miniature Goldendoodle need?

  • +Is the Miniature Goldendoodle a good family dog?

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