

Loving Companion for Families With Children


Toni Grzunov - Last Updated on May 04th, 2021

All you need to know about the Bernedoodle

A curly mixed breed great for people with allergies

Bernedoodles are lovable, wacky pups that were first introduced fairly recently, around the year 2003. They are a mix between a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Standard Poodle and make for amazing family dogs.

These pups were bred to be the perfect companions, which means they love cuddling and attention. Bernedoodles absolutely love kids!

These playful dogs are intelligent and learn quickly, thanks to their Poodle heritage. Another thing they can thank their Poodle parents for is their coat. These dogs are hypoallergenic, meaning you can adopt them as pets even if you suffer from allergies.

These dogs seem like perfect pets for just about anyone. If you want to learn more and are interested in getting one, read on for all of the relevant info on the Bernedoodle.

Fast Facts

Group - Designer breed (non-official)

Weight - 70-90 Pounds  

Height - 23-29 

Hair Length - Medium, Long

Shedding - Light

Lifespan - 12-18 Years 

The Appearance of the Bernedoodle

Since this is a mixed breed its appearance will depend on the amount of Poodle and Bernese Mountain Dog genes each pup has in them. These dogs can come in a large variety of sizes, as well as colors.

Bernedoodles will usually come in tiny, miniature, and standard sizes, similar to the Poodle. This makes them a flexible breed and you can pick whichever dog suits your lifestyle best.

Their coat is curly, but that also changes from dog to dog. It depends on how many Poodle genes they have in them. Sometimes the coat can be wavy, or even straight, although that is a bit rare.

These dogs have a square build, with small, dark oval eyes. Sometimes, it is hard to notice their eyes because they can get lost in the curly coat! It looks absolutely cute.

Now would be a good time to mention the Bernedoodle generations since you may run into that term if you decide to adopt one of these puppies. Basically, the generations let you know the percentage of each of the parent’s genes in your Bernedoodle.

The F1 Bernedoodle is the first generation, meaning it is 50% Poodle and 50% Bernese Mountain Dog. The F1B Bernedoodle is the result of breeding a Poodle with an F1 Bernedoodle. These dogs are 75% Poodle then.

Next up is the F2, or the second generation, which is the result of crossing two F1 Bernedoodles with each other. These pups are also 50% Poodle and 50% Bernese, but it is harder to predict their size and coat type.

Finally, we have the F2B generation, also known as the Teddy Bear Bernedoodles. These dogs are produced by crossing an F1 Bernedoodle with an F1B Bernedoodle. They are 62.5% Poodle and 37.5% Bernese Mountain Dog. 

What colors does a Bernedoodle come in?

The coat of a Bernedoodle can come in a variety of colors. Some of those include:

  • White
  • Black
  • Black and brown
  • Blue
  • Fawn
  • Cream
  • Black sable

Most commonly, however, the Bernedoodle will have a tricolor coat. It combines black, white, and brown, similar to the Bernese Mountain Dog. This is actually the most popular pick and is the color people will usually associate with the Bernedoodle.

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All about the Bernedoodle personality

Bernedoodles are playful pets that love showing affection and are perfect for large families. A wonderful thing about these pups is that they adore young children. This makes them amazing companions for them since they will grow up together.

These pups are known to be quite goofy, which only adds to their charm. Despite this, they are intelligent and learn quickly. They can be sensitive, which is a trait they get from their parent breeds. This makes early socialization important.

With the proper training and socialization, your Bernedoodle will grow up into a wonderfully charismatic, charming dog.

Bernedoodles combine the intelligence, social skills, and sense of humor of a Poodle with the sweet temperament of a Bernese.

These dogs were bred to be perfect companions and they definitely live up to it. They are gentle to everyone, including other animals. They are calm, people-oriented dogs that love spending time with the family.

Sometimes it can be hard to predict how a puppy will turn out. This is not the case with Bernedoodles. You can always expect a loving, playful, and friendly dog.

Bernedoodles actually aren’t bad watchdogs either. They are aware of strangers, and will always react when noticing something strange!

Their thick coat is the main reason these dogs prefer the cold weather. They love spending time outside during those periods. Be ready to go outside quite a bit with your Bernedoodle. They are best suited for people that are at least somewhat active. 

Bernedoodles love receiving human attention and will crave it. They can adapt to being alone, but they may develop separation anxiety if it happens too often. This means they are not the best pets for you if you spend long periods of time away from your house or apartment.

Is a Bernedoodle easy to train?

If you start early, Bernedoodles will be incredibly easy to train. They are eager to learn while young and are really clever. However, they can be a bit stubborn and mischievous at times. This will decrease as they get older, so you will just need to be patient.

These pups can become hyperactive if not trained, so it is best to do it as early as possible. When training your Bernedoodle, always do it as gently as possible.

Positive reinforcement will provide you with the best results. Reward the pup whenever it does something good, they will love treats and it will make your training a huge success.  

These dogs respond amazingly well to training, but they all have somewhat unique personalities. It is hard to predict how they will behave and react to training completely. This is why patience is key.

Some Bernedoodles might require a bit more time and attention, but once you hit your stride and find the type of training that suits them best, there shouldn’t be any problems.

How much Grooming does a Bernedoodle need?

Bernedoodles have a desirable trait in that they shed extremely little. Not only that, their curly coats are hypoallergenic, which makes them excellent dogs for people with allergies. Just remember, the curlier the coat, the less dander they will produce.

If you have allergies, always make sure to pick a Bernedoodle with a curly coat. Those with a straighter coat will usually shed more. This might result in it affecting your allergies, so be careful.

You should check with the breeder. They will usually know what type of coat each pup will have after they are a few weeks old.

Dogs with a curlier coat will need more grooming though. You will need to brush it quite often since it won’t shed. The brushing will prevent matting which can be quite painful if not taken care of. 

These dogs shed rarely, but that doesn’t mean they are low-maintenance. You will need to clip their coat every few months. Only give them a bath when absolutely necessary.

Naturally, clip their nails if they are too long, and wash their teeth with doggy toothpaste. Check with your vet to see which is the right one for your dog. Check their ears and eyes to keep them clean as well.

The Living Environment of the Bernedoodle

As previously mentioned, Bernedoodles offer a little bit of everything when it comes to the way they like to spend their time. They adore being active outside. They will love going swimming, running, or hiking with you.

However, these pups also love being at home, snuggling on the couch, and doing nothing. They will want to spend as much time as possible right next to you. Don’t expect a Bernedoodle to respect your personal space!

This is why you shouldn’t leave them alone for extended periods of time. You should also train them to get used to some alone time. But still, if you are away for work every day that should be fine. But if you aren’t home for several days or go on trips often your dog might develop separation anxiety.

This can develop some nasty habits in your pup, such as chewing or whining. Make sure that this doesn’t happen!

Bernedoodles do need quite a bit of love and affection, and you will make them the happiest by giving them something to do. This will make your pup feel fulfilled and satisfied.

Depending on the size, an apartment will be a good home for a Bernedoodle. Larger ones might need a backyard to play in, but even if you don’t have one, constant walks to the park will do the trick.

The Health and Nutrition of the Bernedoodle

Bernedoodles have a lifespan of around 12 to 18 years, which is quite long. As far as health goes, one good thing is that they don’t inherit any of the health risks as the Bernese. Those dogs have a much shorter life expectancy and a high rate of many health conditions.

Luckily, the Bernedoodle is much healthier. Still, there are some conditions that can affect them more often. Hip and elbow dysplasia are always a problem, as are ocular diseases. If your pup is drooling too much or has gained weight, it’s time to visit the veterinarian.

These pups can also develop some skin issues because of their thick coats. One such condition is hot spots, and they are caused by dogs chewing or licking an area of skin excessively. Grooming is extremely important in preventing this.

When it comes to food, these dogs are not picky eaters and will eat just about anything. You should be careful and monitor the food intake of your Bernedoodle. Overeating can become a serious problem. Consult with your vet on what the best food for your pet is. They will also help you determine the daily amount of food necessary.

Where does the Bernedoodle come from?

Bernedoodles are a relatively new dog breed so their history is quite short. Sherry Rupke, a breeder working for SwissRidge Bernedoodles was breeding Bernese Mountain Dogs for years. However, she wanted them to be hypoallergenic and not to have the health issues this breed is known for.

She first bred Goldendoodles and was happy with the result. She wanted to create a Bernese that had the same excellent health as that mixed breed. This resulted in the first Bernedoodle in 2003. The dog quickly became a hit and a favorite of owners around the world.

Questions people often ask about Bernedoodle Puppies

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  • +Are Bernedoodles good for seniors?

  • +Are Bernedoodles high maintenance?

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