
New Puppy? These are the Must-Have Dog Supplies

Shane Sykes - Last updated on May 19th, 2021

You've done your research... 

Read up on your chosen breed... 

Searched breeders... 

Understand the need to train... 

And you are now ready and eager for a new puppy in your home! Exciting times right!

Once you have made your home puppy proof; now is the time to get the must-have supplies necessary for your new puppy….. 

So just what are the ‘must-haves’ you are supposed to get? 

Think of it this way…

When a new puppy first arrives, what they really need to have, must be geared towards ensuring they settle into your home as a… Well Trained, Healthy and Happy dog.

I think once you have read this, you will know exactly what you need - and why.

For a healthy puppy, there is only one main thing you need to buy right away….

Dog Food! 

A high-quality dry puppy food is always recommended. But durable, tip-proof water and food dishes are also advisable. 

And it is also important to put some money aside for a microchip for your puppy, so they are safe and officially recorded, if ever necessary.

Dog food

Training A New Puppy

For training a new puppy there are a few things you need to prepare in advance…

Each breed has its own specific needs and should be trained according to their individual temperament and personality. 

You will need a guide, specific to the particular breed you will purchase. This will become a very important reference tool for everything from breed facts to training your puppy. 

It will advise you on what to expect from your new puppy and how to encourage them to behave correctly.

Leash training your puppy is an early necessity too

Purchase a good-quality puppy harness and a lightweight lead

Often the wait (to harness up) irritates them, so as soon as you get it, put it on your puppy and let them just walk around with it so they can acclimatize to the feel of it. 

It is also a good idea to get an ID tag with your name and number to wear on the collar.

Crate Training

Also as part of training, it is recommended to get a good-sized dog crate, and an easily cleaned, durable bed. 

The crate should grow to be a comfortable and secure place for your new puppy in the years to come, and it will be an easy way to transport them safely.

One of the most important tools for any trainer are treats; this is also true for any new owner that is trying to train their puppy…

Dogs respond differently, but they need the task at hand to be beneficial to them before they will do it. This is where treats come in. 

As long as you keep your commands short and simple, with treats, your new puppy will be rolling over in no time.


And last, but not least - 

The Happiness Of Your New Puppy…

Having a new puppy in the home is a lot like having a toddler. Curious and mischievous, they will get into everything. 

To ensure that your puppy doesn't get into unwanted areas, you may want to have a gate that can block parts of your home off and keep the puppy away from harmful substances or situations. 

Just like toddlers, puppies teeth on things to help new teeth break through their gums, so it's smart to have a wide variety of puppy-safe chew toys on hand. 

This will provide entertainment and pain relief and might just spare your favorite pair of shoes! 

You should also purchase a 'no chew' spray. This is a puppy-safe spray that deters unwanted chewing.

With all this beforehand, you can be sure to be ready for those first weeks and months with your new puppy, and have them successfully adapt to life in your home.

If you are ready for a dog, but still searching for that perfect puppy then check out the many brilliant breeders on Pets4You.

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